Interested in one of our products?
Customer Experience Manager (CEM):
Web-based CRM application to manage accounts, services, customer bills, invoices etc. for billing platforms. Developed using Google Webtool Kit. It is built as a framework that can be extended and modified through configuration. Wizard based, intuitive, multi-language support.
Wireless Activation Gateway (WAG):
A modular service actions and provisioning JAVA-based platform. Has functionality to receive orders and activate, modify, delete services from network elements such as telecom switches, Blackberry servers, or any other network elements.
Commerx BRM Flash:
Mobile Self-care platform with executive (CxO and Director Level) dashboard to monitor subscriber base, revenue base, activation, deactivations etc. It also has an end-user feature to monitor resources such as account balance, free-minutes/data etc.
Prime Automation Suite (PAS):
BRM test automation tool, which declarative in nature – table driven configuration of test scenarios. Can automate 100s of common test cases for BRM as well Pipeline Manager Platform.
Commerx Tax Engine:
Telecom taxation engine that can be readily deployed in Canada and USA. Built on Orig., Termination location based taxation including the 2-out of-3 rule based tax algorithms.
Commerx Order Manager:
An order management and orchestration platform that can receive customer orders for network-related or any other shipping product and orchestrate, transform, notify, and pass the order to Activation Gateway for fulfillment.
Commerx Carbon Offset System:
Web-based application that can capture meter information to generate carbon offsets for a time period. A basic management dashboard to allow management decisions/actions. A change in Language (for example – using the system in Quebec City, or Mexico City.) The solution is mobile friendly. Built using Opensource frameworks such as Vaadin, Activity, BIRT, Apache Tomcat and MySQL.
If you are interested in one of our products please fill out the form and a sales associate will get back to you as soon as possible.